Transportation Engineering

Integrated and sustainable transportation for healthy communities.


Transportation Engineering

Integrated and sustainable transportation for healthy communities.


Transportation Engineering

Integrated and sustainable transportation for healthy communities.


Transportation Engineering

Integrated and sustainable transportation for healthy communities.


Promoting Local Economies through Increased Transportation Access

Transportation is about much more than simply mobility, it’s also about enhancing environments and creating infrastructure for healthier, more active communities. Access to public assets and more resilient economies is at the core of Otak’s transportation design. Our practical yet innovative approach solves real community challenges, opening paths to opportunity while simplifying day-to-day lives.

Transportation Projects >

Roadway Design

Streets and roadways represent the network of passageways that connect our communities. From local roads to major highways, our team understands the infrastructure elements for all facets of quality roadway design. We work extensively with departments of transportation and relevant agencies for efficient and compliant processes to completion. An integration of engineering, landscape, and urban design balances roadway improvement with safety and accessibility, blending the aesthetic character of communities with multi-modal functionality.

Transit Planning & Design

Otak solves mobility issues by introducing safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing transit environments through facility design and Transit Oriented Design (TOD) planning which combines housing design with transit, providing greater access to transportation for communities. To provide better, more user-friendly transit access within FTA funding requirements, our team devises design-oriented solutions, such as transit station and park and ride design, branding treatments, various facility design and support, and corridor planning.

Active Transportation & Trails

Whether as part of an urban or suburban corridor, or in local, state, or national parks and wilderness areas, our landscape architects and engineers merge transportation, sustainability, and public health by planning, designing, building, and improving trails and trailheads. By reducing distances between key destinations and improving pedestrian facilities and infrastructures, Otak facilitates equitable access to public areas, opening them up to low-income communities where transportation can be a burden.

Want to talk Projects? Contact our Transportation Leads.

Practice Area Leader
“An ability to see alternate solutions and innovative approaches helps me create stronger communities.”

Rick Belden


Practice Area Leader

“I advocate for safe, equitable, and resilient transportation access for all modes and mobilities.”

Amanda Owings

Manager of Transportation and Infrastructure, Oregon & SW Washington

Puget Sound

Nico Vanderhorst

Interim President, Board Member & Regional Director, Puget Sound

“We think outside the box, pay close attention to aesthetics, and come up with cool project concepts because we love what we do.”

Kevin Dooley

Business Unit Leader of Transportation & Infrastructure

Active Transportation/Trails
“When I can see a constructed project in Google Earth, I can see that I have literally changed the world.”

Scott Belonger

Senior Project Manager

Interested in joining our team?