South Boulder Road At-Grade Crossings Louisville, Colorado

The City of Louisville faced a major challenge in improving South Boulder Road At-Grade crossings to ensure pedestrian safety while also managing federal requirements and associated documentation. Improvements at 5 different intersections involved the installation of pedestrian signals and would all be completed in accordance with CDOT local agency requirements.

Managing a Federally-Funded Project for Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Improvements to South Boulder Road addressed critical issues such as tie-in elevations at each intersection, and updated 30 plus year old traffic signal equipment with new high-intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) systems while ensuring 13 ADA ramps meet all requirements. As a federally-funded, CDOT agency project, the project involved significant documentation.  In close collaboration between all stakeholders, the Otak team led construction management, inspection, and materials testing services. Issues with tie-in elevations of the existing asphalt and the new asphalt were quickly resolved with field adjustments derived from a deep understanding of design concepts which ultimately led to 3% savings on the overall bid.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.

“Problem solving and tangible results that can improve people’s lives make this my ideal line of work.”

Mike Williams

Manager of Construction Management & Inspection, Oregon & SW Washington