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Reducing Carbon Emissions, Otak's Colorado Region Places First in Fall Commuting Challenge
Reducing Carbon Emissions, Otak’s Colorado Region Places First in Fall Commuting Challenge
November, 2023
Supporting sustainable commuting solutions isn’t just a part of our project work – we’re proud to announce our Colorado team has won its size category for this year’s Go-tober Commute Challenge, held by the organization Way To Go and officiated by DRCOG!
During the month of October, Otakians in Louisvlle and Denver biked or rode public transport to reduce their CO2 emissions from commuting by a whopping 10.1 tons! The team avoided driving a distance of 24,869 miles total.
Check out more stats about Colorado’s total impact in the infographic, and thank you Way To Go, DRCOG and Commuting Solutions for another great Go-tober competition.